Course Details

Islamic studies for Kids Level 2

Islamic studies for Kids Level 2

This is a comprehensive course which covers fundamental knowledge of the Islam designed for children who have no prior knowledge about the deen. In this course, students are taught Aqeedah, five pillars, memorization of short surahs, Seerah, Hadith, Islamic history, basic practices of Deen, Etiquettes and manners. A successful completion of this course will enable students to offer salah and perform basic obligatory duties of Islam.


Course Info

The "Islamic Studies for Kids Level 2" course is designed to introduce young Muslim children to the fundamentals of their faith. This course covers a wide range of topics, including the basics of Islamic beliefs and practices, stories from the Quran and Hadith, and the importance of developing strong moral character. Through engaging lessons, students will learn how to perform ablution (wudu), pray, and fast, as well as the significance of the Five Pillars of Islam. Additionally, the course emphasizes the importance of respect for parents and elders, kindness to others, and good manners. By the end of the course, students will have a foundational understanding of their faith and its values.

Course Overview

  1. Unit 1 - Imaan (The Faith of a Muslim)
  2. Unit 2 - Allah is The Creator
  3. Unit 3 - Allah is All-knowing, All-Seeing
  4. Unit 4 - The Angels
  5. Unit 5 - The Books of Allah (swt)
  6. Unit 6 - The Messengers of Allah (swt)
  7. Unit 7 - The Five Pillars of Islam
  8. Unit 8 - The Masjid
  9. Unit 9 - Al-Adhan (Call to the Prayer)
  10. Unit 10 - How to perform Wudhu?
  11. Unit 11 - Understanding the Prayer
  12. Unit 12 - Al-Iqamah
  13. Unit 13 - The Tashahhud
  14. Unit 14 - Short Surahs Memorization
  15. Unit 15 - Dhikr and Duaa
  16. Unit 16 - Zakaah - The Purifying dues
  17. Unit 17 - Fasting in the month of Ramadan
  18. Unit 18 - Hajj - The Pilgrimage
  19. Unit 19 - The Islamic Calendar
  20. Unit 20 - Prophet Muhammad (s)
  21. Unit 21 - Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (s)
  22. Unit 22 - Truthfulness
  23. Unit 23 - Stealing
  24. Unit 24 - Etiquettes of Talking
  25. Unit 25 - Etiquettes of going out and walking
  26. Unit 26. Cleanliness (Tahaarah)
  27. Unit 27. Lying, Gossiping and Back-biting
  28. Unit 28. Reward and Punishment
  29. Unit 29. The Greetings of Islam
  30. Unit 30. Halaal foods and drinks
  31. Unit 31. Haraam foods and drinks
  32. Unit 32 - Eid-ul-fitr
  33. Unit 33 - Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha
  34. Unit 34 - Prophet Adam (as)
  35. Unit 35 - Prophet Ibrahim (as)
  36. Unit 36 - Prophet Ismail (as)
  37. Unit 37 - Prophet Ishaq (as)
  38. Unit 38 - Surah Al-faatihah (The Opening)
  39. Unit 39 - Excellence of Surah Al-faatihah
  40. Unit 40 - Surah An-Nasr (The Help)
  41. Unit 41 - Surah Al-Kawthar
  42. Unit 42 - Surah Al-Asr
  43. Unit 43 - Surah Al-Ikhlaas
  44. Unit 44 - Surah Al-Falaq and An-Naas
  45. Unit 45 - Surah Al-Masad
  46. Unit 46 - Surat Al-feel (The Elephant)
  47. Unit 47 - Examination


This is the basic level Islamic course especially designed for Children. Therefore student is not supposed to have any knowledge of Islam in order to join this course. Student is required to attend lessons on time and cooperate with the teacher.  Parents are required to motivate and monitor the attitude, alertness and the behavior of student during lesson. Student is required to submit regular feedback to the academy about the course as well as teacher.